This study examined the discursive strategies deployed in the representation of the actors in the EndSARS protest movement in Nigeria. The study shows how online posts and feedback comments were used to (de)legitimize the movement through positive/ negative representation of the protesters and other political actors. The paper drew insights from the socio-cognitive approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Computer Mediated Discourse Analysis (CMD) in its investigation of 500 purposively selected posts and comments circulated on Twitter between October and November, 2020. The analysis of the data revealed that labelling, polarization, code mixing/switching and recurrent themes of emotional appeal/ blackmail, criminalisation, justification and blame avoidance/allocation, were employed by actors to project positive/ negative image of selves and others respectively. The paper concluded by noting that the posts and comments on the EndSARS protests demonstrated the role of social media discourse in identity formation in crisis situations in Nigeria. The paper therefore recommended an open door policy to protest activism in the country. This is expected to ultimately enhance free flow of communication, national integration, cohesion and advancement.
Keywords: EndSARS, critical discourse analysis, protest, Nigeria
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author/Oamen Felicia (PhD)
journal/Zamfara IJOH Vol. 1 Issue 3