The performance of
agriculture in every economy cannot be overemphasized. This is especially true
as it forms part of the macroeconomic variables or growth indicators –the GDP.
This paper assessed the performance of the agricultural sector on the growth or
otherwise of the GDP of Kaduna state. The Secondary type of data was used for
the assessment, where data from the outcome of the report of the Kaduna State
Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with the National Accounts was collected
and used. The data is a time
series (2013-2015). The report covers major aggregates of State GDP under
forty-two (42) activities at current 2013 to 2014 prices; but with more
emphasis on the agricultural sector. KDGDP was computed as gross output minus
intermediate consumption. Therefore, the study found out that the agricultural
sector’s performance was significant, playing a vital role in the GDP of Kaduna
state. Despite that in some quarters of 2014, some subsectors of agriculture
recorded a decline, yet, the figures rose with some subsectors such as crop
production and fishing in 2015. This concludes that the agricultural sector’s
performance on the GDP of Kaduna state is an economic key player therein. And
therefore remains the major contributing sector in Kaduna State over the three years.
Keywords: agricultural sector, assessment, contribution, economy, gross domestic product (GDP)
DOI: 10.36349/zamijoh.2023.v02i02.007
author/ Wali Adam W., Nuhu A., & Mahmud B. M.
journal/Zamfara IJOH Vol. 2, Issue 2