This paper examines the performance of commercial property in relation to location attribute on real estate investment viability in Bauchi metropolis with the aim of determining the performance of commercial property in relation to location attribute on real estate investment viability in Bauchi metropolis. The performance commercial property investment is very important at this time when emphasis is on investment performance analysis in many parts of the world. This is even more important in Nigeria where only few studies have been carried out on the level of performance achieved by property investments. Moreover the impact of the ongoing changes in the global and local economy on the performance of real estate investment is serving to highlight the need for its careful consideration in the investment decision making process. quantitative research approach and descriptive statistics were used to analyzed the comprehensive data collected from Estate Surveyors and Valuers who are in the business of managing commercial property within Bauchi metropolis.
Keywords: Performance, Commercial Property, Location Attribute, Investment, Viability
DOI: 10.36349/zamijoh.2025.v03i02.005
author/Igoche F.O., Dr. M.U. Bello & Dr. J.K. Ufere
journal/Zamfara IJOH Vol. 3, Issue 2