Linguistics is a scientific study dealing with the vocabularies and other properties of languages, which is subdivided in to units that include phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. These units of linguistics are in most cases interwoven, in the sense that they always operate together. This paper examines semantic sameness with phonological variation in some Kanuri and Dagaza lexemes with the aim of investigating their linguistic sameness and variation. The research was conducted by extracting words that have similar pronunciation in both languages, and analyzes the phonological properties of both languages and then relate them to the semantic components of the extracted lexemes. The outcome of the research revealed that, there are many lexemes with different pronunciation pattern with the same semantic reference. This due to the fact that many languages shared linguistic properties as a result of many factors such as Linguistic contact, migration, natural disaster and many others. This phenomena lead to borrowing of words between languages. It has been established that Kanuri and Dagaza shared many linguistic properties because of their ancestral origin.
DOI: 10.36349/zamijoh.2025.v03i01.009
author/Mohammed Gambo & Usman Ali Adamu
journal/Zamfara IJOH Vol. 3, Issue 1